Take a trip to DC?s monuments or the National Mall on a weekday evening and forget seeing tourists! Instead the fields are crowded with one of the city?s most popular social scenes: social rec leagues ? here to help you meet people and form lasting friendships, while getting some exercise and having good old fashioned competitive fun! But not everyone is aware of all the work that goes on behind the scenes of the social sports empire. Want to know the scoop behind it all? Here are interviews with some of the founders of our local rec leagues sharing their stories, challenges, and inspirations about creating some of the city?s most exhilarating social communities.
Jack Fan of DC Social Sports Club
Jack FanAge: 30
Name of League: DC Social Sports Club
Number of Participants in League: 9,000 actively throughout the year; 12,000 database
What is your day job? This is it. Running the league takes a lot of work behind the scenes, more than just showing up at games and supervising. There is a business side as well that takes a lot of organizing, planning and management. It?s not just a day job, it?s my day-to-day life.
What do you enjoy most about running the organization? ?I love when people really appreciate finding their passion within the sport. It?s great when someone feels excited about finding our league, especially when they?ve moved in from out of town and feel relieved to find an organization where they can continue playing their sport.
What is the biggest challenge you have faced when running your organization? ?It was difficult to go from treating this as a hobby to a company. I had to establish it as a business and people expect a lot from a social league. Meeting those standards requires good customer service and management skills. Running the organization has been about more than just playing the sports.
What do you hope that people get out of social sports? There is a wide range of sports in our league. I hope that people can show up and try something new, and hopefully find a sport they are passionate about. The social side of it is important, but I hope that people can socialize an build camaraderie through playing the sport on a more sophisticated level, in addition to the bar scene.
What is your favorite sport and why? ?Street Hockey. It?s a lot like fencing, there is a lot of physical contact between players. It?s fast paced, a lot of energy involved, and it can be a good form of stress relief. We are excited to be working on developing a field hockey division as well.
Robert Nowell of Zog Sports
Robert NowellAge: 29
Name of League: ZogSportsDC
Number of Participants in League: 5,000+ annually in DC; 100,000+ nationally
What inspired you to start the organization? I had worked for four years in structured finance in NYC. I played in ZogSportsNYC, and I loved the league and its mission. I was 26 at the time, and I decided to follow one of my passions: organizing fun through sports. I had done so for years, organizing my local pickup basketball games. I loved drafting weekly team emails and game recaps to my ZogNYC teams. Since I was already organizing sports for myself and friends, I thought why not do it for everyone?
What do you enjoy most about running the organization? I absolutely love the community of Zoggers. Everyone is a face of ZogSports, including our staff and players. I love going to Nats games or even the gym and bumping into fellow Zoggers. On July 4, I went to a few BBQs. At each one, there were various Zoggers across multiple teams and sports who met playing ZogSports (and a few at post-game happy hour). While I knew that some of these friendships existed and formed via Zog, I had no idea how close and interconnected so many Zoggers had become. One of the BBQs I attended was hosted by Zoggers Ginelle and Sebastian. In true Zog form, it started with a friendly pickup game of Touch Football, followed by an awesome backyard cookout (beer pong & Belly Ball, yes Belly Ball, included). There were easily five different Zog teams represented at the BBQ. Back in June, we hosted a DC Touch Football tourney, and one of the veteran NYC teams traveled down to partake. I can?t wait to see all the great things our national Zog community will do as we continue to grow and expand (now in NYC, NJ, DC, ATL, Twin Cities and coming soon LA & SF).
What do you hope that people get out of participating in social sports? First and foremost: easy fun. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for Zoggers to play team sports and have fun doing so. Secondly, I hope that everyone gets the competition they are hoping for. Everyone has a different definition of fun. Some players want to go out there, get a sweat and a few smiles. Winning isn?t as important and that?s what makes it so fun. On the flip-side, some social athletes want to leave it all out on the field every time. Even though no one is getting paid to play that?s how these intense competitors define fun. I want everyone to find the level that is right for them and their friends. Finally, I hope all Zoggers feel and become a part of the greater Zog community. We spend a lot of time together, traveling to games, competing, hanging out at post-game happy hour. There is no reason to be strangers. Everyone including our players and staff come together to facilitate fun through sports (and of course post-game happy hour).
What is the biggest challenge you?ve faced when running the organization? Probably the biggest challenge I have faced is not being a native DC?er. I loved and believed in Zog so much that I was ready and willing to take it anywhere. Having moved to DC just months before running our very first league in Fall 2010, I spent a lot of time learning about DC (and I?m still learning). For the first few months, it was routine for me to get lost driving and end up somewhere in Virginia. I?m happy to announce that I no longer get lost navigating DC.
As an owner, do you yourself participate in teams? I do play in the leagues. We believe it?s very important to participate in the leagues we run. It allows us to connect with fellow Zoggers and to see things from the players? perspective.
Rachael Preston, Gautham Chowdhry, John Groth, Sara Delucas of DC Bocce
Sara DelucasAge: 33
Name of League: DC Bocce
Number of Participants in League: 6,000
What inspired you to start the organization? We started in 2004. We played a couple seasons of kickball in Adams Morgan. Living on Capitol Hill there weren?t many sports offered at that point in time. We wanted to start something fun and social. We never thought it would grow to such proportions.
What is your day job? This is my day job. Running a social sports league is time consuming. We do it because we are passionate about our job and our members. I feel really fortunate to work for DC Bocce and see how big it?s grown.
What would you recommend to readers who are not very athletic, have never tired a social sport, but want to join a team? In regards to Bocce, you don?t really need athletic abilities. You can come in with no skill at all and it?s a very casual game. Some members are competitive and play in other sports, but bocce is more of a chance to socialize. There?s also more of an equality in the game between men and women.
As an owner, do you yourself participate in teams? I?ve played in the Dupont division,for the last 8 years.
Robert Albrecht of United Social Sports
Robert AlbrechtAge: 28
Name of League: United Social Sports, Capital Bocce, DC kickball
Number of participants in League: 2-5,000 per season. 14,000 per year
What is your day job? This is my full time job.
What inspired you to start the organization? In 2009 it started with a skeeball team. Then I wanted to start something bigger, different and fun, and focus on connecting people and giving them a good social experience.
What do you enjoy about running the organization? If I do my job well it means people are having a good time. I know that I won?t have to deliver any bad news if I?m doing well.
What is the biggest challenge you have faced when running the organization? Making sure all the pieces fit together from coordinating bar events to games and locations with the city. There is a lot of planning in making sure it all comes together.
What would you recommend to readers who are not very athletic but want to join a team? We welcome individuals and small groups of all athletic levels. We have a whole range of sports you can try out from shuffle board to dodgeball, so you can work your way up to the more competitive sports if you would like. You can also come out to our events such as the happy hours and see if you like the crowd. We have a partnership with 10Social in which we will be starting an information stand where you can come in and get more information about the league.
Chris Boquet of Happy Hour Sports
Chris BocquetAge: 34
Name of League:? Happy Hour Sports
Number of Participants in League:? 1,200
What is your day job?? I work for a medical non-profit working with committees to write quality control standards.
What do you hope that people get out of participating in social sports?? My sincere hope is that everyone has a great time and can create lasting friendships that can extend beyond each night we?re playing a certain sport.
As an owner, do you yourself participate in teams?? I do!? I think it?s important to really get involved in the gameplay aspect to ensure that when I am answering questions or adjusting rules I have a first-hand perspective on what works and what doesn?t.? Plus the sports we offer are tons of fun.
What is your favorite sport and why?? I actually don?t have a favorite, whatever we?re playing at that time of the year is my favorite.?
What would you recommend to readers who are not very athletic but want to join a team?? I would definitely recommend our league to anyone.? The goal of Happy Hour Sports is to provide a fun environment where the social aspect of our leagues is paramount.
Jeff Schrumm
Age: 36
Name of League: Metro Sports Leagues
Number of Participants in League: 5000+
What inspired you to start the league? Previous league I was involved with folded.
What do you enjoy most about running the organization? The interaction with the players.
What is the biggest challenge you have faced when running your organization?? Finding good consistent field space.
What do you hope that people get out of social sports? FUN!
What would you recommend to our readers who are not very athletic, have never tried a social sport, but may want to join a team? Try for a season and if you don?t like it you can at least say you tried.?
Dan Boger
Age: 34
Name of League: NAKID Social Sports
Number of Participants in League: 10,000
What inspired you to start the organization? A group of us played in another league about 6 years ago, but wanted more social events, so we started our own league.
What do you enjoy most about running the organization? Meeting lots of new people and providing a variety of sports that interest people.
What do you hope that people get out of participating in social sports??I hope people continue to have a great time and make new friendships and relationships.
As an owner, do you yourself participate in social sports? I sometimes play in our bar sports (cornhole, giant Jenga, giant connect 4) or our bowling leagues.
What is your favorite sport and why? ?I would say I love giant Jenga. ?It?s a fun game and you meet some fun people while enjoying a beer.
Eric Anderson of Social Sports Arlington/Bethesda
Eric AndersonAge: 37
Name of League: Bethesda/Arlington Social Sports
Number of Participants in League: Bethesda: 2,500 Arlington: 500
What inspired you to start the organization? In 2004 we noticed with social sports in Bethesda there was a lack of social sports leagues. There were county sports leagues but not really any socially oriented league open to all play levels.
What do you enjoy most about running the organization? Going to the events that we offer and see how everyone?s having a good time.
What is the biggest challenge you have faced when running your organization? The biggest challenge has been being able to provide venues or sports to all levels of play. To address this we have introduced different levels to meet people?s abilities.
What would you recommend to readers who are not very athletic, have never tired a social sport, but want to join a team? I would recommend grabbing a friend and signing up as free agents in one of our light division sports.
What do you hope that people get out of participating in social sports? We want people to have a good time and meet other people. Over the years we?ve even had a couple of people meet and get married!
Jeremy Purcell of Fairfax Athletics Adult Social Sports League
Jeremy PurcellAge: 37
Name of League: Fairfax Athletics Adult Social Sports League
Number of Participants in League: over 16,000 players and growing every season.
What is your day job?? Fairfax Athletics and GM of the NoVA Dome (7 Court Basketball Facility) are my full-time jobs.
What do you enjoy most about running the organization?? To be honest, I really enjoy promoting and growing adult sports in Northern Virginia.? When I moved here in 1999, I met all of my friends (including my wife) through the various sports that I played.? We would strategize throughout the week about upcoming opponents, and it would really help carry me through the work week. Our sports leagues are an easy way to meet new people, get some great exercise (FXA only offers true athletic sports), and relieve some of the stress that comes with everyday life.? With the help of my amazing staff and referees, it is crazy just how large our non-profit league has grown and I enjoy the fact that people are playing sports throughout the week and on weekends, rather than sitting at home surfing the internet or watching TV.
What is the biggest challenge you have faced when running your organization? My biggest challenge is not letting my work interfere with the quality time I spend with my family and friends.? We employ a very small staff because we try to keep our league fees as low as possible.? My cell phone is constantly buzzing with emails, texts, and calls all hours of the day and night so I have to balance my work life and personal life.
As an owner, do you yourself participate in social sports? Absolutely, I have played every FXA sport except basketball because I can?t dribble or shoot.? I really wish a league like FXA existed when I was in my early 20s because I recently discovered that I love playing soccer, but I?m just not good at it.? Thank God for our casual leagues.
What is your favorite sport and why?? My favorite sport by far is Flag Football, and coincidentally it?s our most popular sport with 149 teams this spring season alone.? I love everything about flag football, the competition, the offensive and defensive strategy, the speed, the hand-eye coordination, the deep passes, the goal line stop, the pick 6, and finally the long chats after the game about specific plays. Quick story, after 17 seasons of playing FXA Flag Football, my team finally won a Championship.? And not only did we win the championship, but we shutout all three playoff teams.? It?s a day that I?ll never forget!
2012 Rec League Roundup
NAKID Kickball? ?
Fall Sports: Kickball
Neighborhood: Dupont Circle
Other Activities: Happy Hours, Parties, and Tubing Trips!
Deadlines: Please check the website for registration updates.
Rockville Athletics Sports League
Fall Sports: Co-ed Saturday Flag Football, Men?s Saturday Flag Football, Co-ed Tuesday Night Flag Football
Neighborhood: Rockville, MD and the DC Metro Area
Deadlines: 9/2/12 for all sports.
World Adult Kickball Association (WAKA)
Fall Sports: Kickball
Neighborhood: National Mall, Adams Morgan, Northern Virginia, and Bethesda
Other Activities: Meet ups after games at sponsor bars
Deadlines: Registration has begun!
Happy Hour Kickball
Fall Sports: Kickball
Neighborhood: Bethesda, MD
Other Activities: Parties, Happy Hours, Tailgates at DC United, Nights out with the Nationals, Bar Crawls, Flip Cup Tournaments, Theme Weeks, Drink and Food Specials, The Crowning of the King and Queen of Kickball, The Fall Beer OH-Lympics, and so much more!
Deadlines: Registration is open now! Check the website for deadlines.
DC Bocce League
Fall Sports: Bocce
Neighborhood: D.C. and Bethesda, MD
Other Activities: Parties, Tubing, and more!
Deadlines: Check the website for updates on fall registration.
DC Cityball
Fall Sports: Basketball, Flag Football, Softball
Neighborhood: D.C.
Other Activities: Happy Hours, Specials, and Discounted Nats Tickets!
Deadlines: Check the website for registration details.
Fall Sports: Kickball
Divisions: Penn Quarter, Capital, District & Constitution
Neighborhood: D.C., National Mall
Other Activities: Booze Cruises, Happy Hours, Parties, Flip cup Tournaments, tubing trips,? tailgates at DC United, baseball outings at Nats Park, and more!
Deadlines:? Fall registration has opened. Check the website for deadlines (varied by sport).
DC Social Sports
Fall Sports: Kickball, Volleyball, Cornhole, & Broomball
Neighborhood: D.C.
Other Activities: Bar games, Booze Cruise, Flip Cup, Beer Olympics, and more!
Deadlines: Registration varies by sport; check the website for details.
Arlington Athletic and Social League
Fall Sports: Basketball, Bowling, Dodgeball, Football, Softball, Volleyball
Neighborhood: Arlington, VA and the DC Metro Area
Other Activities: Happy Hours, Bar Games, and Bus Trips!
Deadlines: Check the website for registration details.
Capital Alumni Network
Fall Sports: Football
Neighborhood: Washington, DC
Other Activities: Happy Hours, Trivia Nights, Flip Cup and Volunteer Opportunities
Registration: See the website for details.
Zog Sports
Fall Sports: Touch Football, Soccer, Volleyball, and 3vs3 Basketball
Neighborhood: D.C.
Other Activities: Awards, Charity, Post-game Happy Hours
Registration: Check the website for registration details.
Metro Sports Leagues
Fall Sports: Coed Volleyball, Coed Softball, Coed Soccer, Men?s Soccer
Neighborhood: DC metro-accessible
Other: Special promotions and team contests
Registration: The fall season begins in September; see the website for registration deadlines.
United Social Sports
Fall Sports: Skeeball, Bocce, Cornhole, Shuffleboard, Dodgeball, Volleyball, Kickball
Neighborhood: Chinatown, Adams Morgan, Arlington, Rosslyn, Bethesda, Reston, H St
Other Activities: Food and drink discounts, Free movies, Special events, Happy Hours, Tubing Trips, Booze Cruises, Scavenger Hunts, Movie Screenings, Tournaments and more!
Registration:? Details coming soon!
Fairfax Athletics
Fall Sports: Dodgeball, Flag Football(Coed and Men?s), Kickball, Soccer,?Softball
Neighborhood: Fairfax, VA and the D.C. Metro Area
Other Activities: Scheduled parties and events throughout the season.
Registration: See the website for registration details.
Social Sports of Bethesda
Fall Sports: Football
Neighborhood: Bethesda, MD
Other Activities: Meet ups at current sponsor bar after ever game, Happy Hours, Networking Events
*For Social Sports of Arlington (SSA) please visit- www.socialsportsofarlington.com
Rec Leagues (Neighborhood Athletic Association)
Fall Sports: Basketball, Flag/Arena Football, Floor Hockey, Stickball
Neighborhood: DC and Northern Virginia
Other Activities: Awards and social events following the season
Deadlines: See the website to register.
MOCO Social Sports
Fall Sports: Dodgeball, Football
Neighborhood: Montgomery County, MD
Other Activities: Parties, Wine tastings, Shows and Sporting events.
Deadlines: Early bird special until August 10! See the website for details.
4ever Young Sports
Fall Sports: Dodgeball
Neighborhood: Washington, DC
Other Activities: Kick-off and end-of-season parties, free movie screening tickets!
Registration: Registration is now open!
Source: http://www.ontaponline.com/2012/08/01/a-league-of-their-own-dcs-social-sports-entrepreneurs/
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